Information about Percocet addiction has become widely known as reports of abuse of the drug increase. Percocet is the brand name of the combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is a powerful narcotic; a synthetic opioid which means it is basically a manmade version of morphine and heroin and is also well known as the brand name OxyContin. Because it is so effective against pain it has been liberally prescribed over the past decade. Due to this, the incidents of Percocet abuse, dependence and addiction have increased. If you are one of millions of people abusing a Percocet prescription or are seeing several doctors for prescriptions you may be suffering the negative effects of Percocet addiction.
Percocet addiction is a pattern of compulsive Percocet use. It is characterized by a continued craving for the drug and the need to use Percocet for its psychological effects and/or mood alterations it brings the user. Many individuals who have a Percocet addiction find that they need to use it to feel “normal.” They exhibit drug-seeking behavior and are often preoccupied with using and obtaining Percocet. The risk for Percocet addiction is greatest among women, seniors, and adolescents. Women are two to three times more likely than men to be prescribed drugs such as Percocet; they are also about two times more likely to form a Percocet addiction. This stems in large part from the fact that women are more likely to seek medical attention for emotional/physical problems.
Percocet withdrawal is one of the many consequences of Percocet addiction. Individuals addicted to Percocet may come from any walk of life, hold entry level or high positions, be parents or grandparents, single or married. Often, the addiction to Percocet develops without the individual realizing it until it begins to control their life. When they exceed the dosage prescribed or seek to obtain the drug after the time prescribed by their physician, they should be aware of the possibility that they have developed an addiction problem. Abruptly stopping or reducing the intake of Percocet can cause severe Percocet withdrawal symptoms. These begin six to eight hours after the last dosage.
This page on Percocet addiction is here to offer help and hope for individuals and families suffering from the destruction that dependence can cause. If you or a loved one needs help, take the time right now to give us a call and find out exactly what your options are. Thousands of people suffering from Percocet addiction began the road of recovery with the first call for Percocet treatment and you can too.